팝 과 영화음악

잘 아는 분이 여기저기 클릭하지 말고 한자리에서 여러곡을 듣도록 배려한.

똘돌이 2009. 2. 6. 11:48



Right here waiting -Richard Marx


 One More Time -Richard Marx



A Whiter Shade Of Pale / Sarah brightman


A Whiter Shade Of Pale -Sarah Brightman






 Raindrops keep Falling on my head -Bon Jovi


Sea of heartbreak -Poco

Dust in the wind -Kansa




 Midnight Blue -E.L.O


 Forever -Stratovarius

 Yesterday -Beatles



 The Rose -Bette Midler


 Baby one More Time -Britney Spears


The house of the Rising Sun -Animals



The Boxer -Simon & Garfunkel


 The Temple of the king -Rainbow


The Young ones -Cliff Richard




Open Arms -Journey


A tale that wasn't right -Helloween

 Delilah -Tom Johns


She's a lady -Tom jones